Learn How To Build Your Audience, Create Products And Services, And Make Sales.

I’ll help you grow your business by helping you define your target customer, create compelling products and services, generate more sales, and create systems that do the hard work for you.

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The best investment you can make is the investment in yourself.

I’m here to guide you in the process. A year from now, you will be happy you started today. I’ll teach you how to build a profitable business that doesn’t require you to work 80 hours a week and DEFINITELY doesn’t require you to become an influencer.

How Does It Work?

The last thing you want is to be part of another mastermind. What you really want is serious guidance and actionable insights to help you execute on your business.

My coaching program is anti fluff and anti bullshit. We get right to work by establishing your customer avatar, creating services and products, and building your marketing strategy that puts cash money in your bank account.

That’s what you want, right?

Here are the steps.

Step 1 – Sign up for the program. The cost is $2500 a month.

Step 2 – After you’ve signed up, I’ll invite you to my personal slack channel. There is no onboarding, no cohort, and no “mastermind calls.” You will have direct access to me so you can ask me questions any time you want. You will have 24/7 direct access to me.

Step 3 – We get to work. Most communication is done via chat, voice memos, and loom videos. We work asynchronously so that we don’t have to waste time scheduling time slots that work for us both. We dive right into the work and we do so in a way that best suits your busy lifestyle and doesn’t waste any of your time.

As part of the coaching program, you will get …

  • 24/7 access to me through slack.

  • We can communicate asynchronously through loom, voice memos and DMs.

  • You can ask me to perform market research for you on keywords, traffic, opportunities, etc.

  • We will have a weekly 30 minute zoom meeting to go over our progress, check out mindset, and set new weekly objectives.

Step 4 – We become friends, peers, and associates and we celebrate your success together. Who knows, maybe we can partner on a business together.

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My Coaching Strategy Is Built Around 4 Main Principles

At this point, I’ve founded, built, or partnered in more than a dozen successful online businesses. In total, my companies generate over $5,000,000 a year in revenue. I take home about $700,000 a year.

(Side note - I’ve had plenty of failures alone the way as well. But the failures is where I learned the most valuable lessons).

I’m not saying that to brag, I’m simply highlighting that coaching is not my main business. I’ve built legitimate companies many times over, and every time I’ve had success, it’s because I followed the same 4 step framework.

It goes like this …

1. Define Your Target Customer

The biggest (and most avoidable) mistake people make is they don’t the time and energy determining EXACTLY who it is they are serving.

You want to be as specific as possible, because if everyone is a potential customer, the only differentiating factor your business can develop is being cheaper.

But being cheap is a race to the bottom. You want to race to the top. The way you do this is by defining and understanding your target customer.

Although there is a time and a place to “do what you gotta do”, because in the beginning you will take money from anyone who has a pulse. But understand, your long term success will be determined by a better understanding of your ideal customer.

This means …

  • using keyword research to find opportunities

  • defining what problem your business is solving

  • getting crystal clear on what kind of people need the solution that you’re selling

  • devising a strategy

I will guide you through this process step by step.

2. Get More Traffic And Awareness To Your Website and/or Your Business

Believe it or not, you don’t need a lot of traffic in order to build a successful business. The amount of traffic (or awareness you need) is completely dependent on the type of business model you have.

For instance, Stodzy Internet Marketing (my agency) only gets are 50 - 100 hits to the website a day.

But, this small amount of traffic has built me a company that does well over $2M a year in revenue, with 40% profit margins.

How is this possible?

Because the type of traffic my website generates is so targeted and specific, that I am able to generate high value leads that turn into high value clients.

My agency is a lead generation agency that works specifically in the drug rehab / behavioral health space. Well let’s take a look at just a few of the keywords that my site ranks #1 for.

Keyword: Drug Rehab Marketing. I rank #1.

Keyword: Paid Search For Drug Rehabs (I Rank #2)

Keyword: Drug Rehab SEO (I rank #3)

This is just the tip of the iceberg. My agency website ranks for over 30 drug rehab specific keywords, and as such, my website is continuously bringing in high value leads that turn into high value clients.

However, SEO isn’t the only way to generate awareness.

My social media following also generates me hundreds of thousands a year. I have built a small (but powerful) following on social media that generates daily sales and revenue for my membership platform, Copyblogger academy.

40,000 + followers on LinkedIn

30,000+ Followers On Twitter (X)

4200 Following On Pinterest That Results In Millions Of Views Every Month

Without traffic and awareness, no one will ever know about you, none the less by from you. But there are so many different wants to generate traffic, awareness, and demand to your business.

In phase two, we will strategize and implement a plan to build exposure to your business will also growing your brand.

We will …

  • Generate more traffic to your website and your brand.

  • Build your SEO to create a firehose of inbound search traffic.

  • Use social media to build your brand and your reputation.

  • Execute on more “traditional methods” to gain customers.

  • Create a referral base

3. Increase Your Sales, Your Revenues, And Your Profits

Sales are the most important part of any business. If you don’t have sales, then you really don’t have a business, you just have a very expensive hobby.

If this is the case, then how come so many entrepreneurs avoid sales at all costs?

The answer. Because it’s scary.

When you are trying to sell your services or products, its inevitable that you will face rejection. Nothing is more painful to the human psyche like rejection. So most of you create lots of busy work for yourself and convince yourself that you’re doing everything you can do build your business, when in reality, you’re avoiding the most important task.

This fear manifests itself in many ways. This is when you focus on your Instagram followers, you record another video, or you leave another comment on LinkedIn because you’re “focusing on your marketing.”

No. There is a difference between sales and marketing, and in my coaching program, you will become an excellent salesperson.

We will …

  • Generate leads and interest in your business

  • Convert that traffic into product sales, lead, customers and clients!

  • Learn the sales scripts that have made me millions.

  • Feel confident in making sales whether its in person, on the phone, through your web pages, or through digital transactions.

4. Build Automations That Do The Hard Work For You

I use automations in every aspect of my business.

Automations work. They carry the weight of the sales department. Although automations won’t completely replace you, they will multiply you. Suddenly, with automations, you will have an army of sales people working 24/7 to make you money.

I use automations in my service businesses, and my product businesses. They work, but only if you know how to build them properly.

For instance, this simple automation has converted to more than $600,000 in profits over the course of the last two years.

Automations are a crucial part of any online business, because they are keeping your brand, your products, and your services, in front of your customers.

Automations are the icing on the cake. They are an important tool that create scale in that they 10X your output without any additional effort on your part.

We will …

  • Learn how to create funnels from scratch.

  • Implement basic copy that turn basic email subscribers into paying customers.

  • Let funnels and automations do the sales for you. This way you can focus on growing the business.

  • Learn the technical aspects of creating urgency, deadlines, funnels, and upsells to maximize revenue and create repeat customers.

You can do this. I will guide you on your path.

Book A Free Strategy Session

How much longer are you going to wait for something to happen?

I only work with people who are serious. Apply by filling out the form, and I will reach out to you to see if it’s a good fit.

LFG! 🔥

P.S. – Only fill out this form if you are serious about growth and are willing to invest in yourself. The minimum budget is $2500 a month.

Think Bigger!

What’s different about me is that I’m an actual entrepreneur who uses digital marketing to grow my own businesses. I know my system works because I’ve used it to generate my own wealth and business success.

I’m not your typical coach, because I don’t make my money through coaching.

I’m only doing this because of the HUGE demand from people asking me if I will mentor them or coaching them.

Bonus Material

You will also get full access too …

  • All my business SOPs and documentation.

  • My network.

  • My relationships.

  • My contacts.

  • I’ll introduce you to industry leading experts in different fields and disciplines.

  • Whatever you need to help you become successful.

Is There A Long Term Contract Or Agreement?


I only want to work with people who need me and who want what I am offering. You can cancel at anytime.

Is There A Community?

Not officially. The community is the relationships that you will build by gaining access to my network. However, there is no centralized community. All of our work is done through WhatsApp.

Are There Refunds?

Absolutely not. If you don’t want to commit, then don’t.

How Do You Get Started?

First, you apply.

If I think I can help you, then you pay.

Next, you’ll be send an WhatsApp invite instantly after your payment goes through.

Then, we get to work.

LFG. 🔥

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