The Courage to Focus on What Matters
At the beginning of each month, Tricia spends hours creating reports for all of our clients.
In the healthcare field, clients only care about one thing… phone calls.
They want their phones to ring. They want to pick up the phone and have interested patients on the other end of the line who are willing and able to come in and receive healthcare services.
It’s truly the only metric that matters to them. So why isn’t it the only metric that marketing agencies focus on?
In the agency space, it’s not uncommon for companies to fluff up bad work with buzz words and reporting on statistics that truly don’t matter.
Client: my phone isn’t ringing.
Agency: but look at all the Facebook shares we’re getting you. Things are going great.
Our clients want phone calls. Most of them could care less about anything else.
Most agencies don’t report on phone calls, because it’s a black and white report card on whether you’re worth paying for or not.
It takes real courage and bravery to look directly at your value and to look directly at your worth. Is your work providing a return? Is it generating maximum value for the people who are giving you their hard earned money?
These are difficult questions to ask, because once you ask them, the truth is instantly revealed and often times, the truth hurts.
However, the companies (and people) who are willing to face the truth will be the ones who are most successful. Because although they may not always hit the target, at least they will know what they are aiming at.
Be brave. Show courage. And be single minded about what it is you are offering. Most importantly, be honest to yourself and to your clients as to whether that work is paying off or not.