The vast majority of American’s want gun laws.
We all know nothing will change. It’s not even possible to have an honest conversation about something as simple as creating a licensing program for firearms.
We all realize how obvious it is to get licensed to drive a car.
can you start the car?
do you know how to park it?
do you know what these signs on the road mean?
do you know what this button does?
Why should we have a drivers license? Well … so that inexperienced drivers don’t get on the road and kill people. Is there another, more important reason that I am missing?
But we can’t even get a simple licensing platform created for guns.
It’s hard to see this for anything other than people caring more about guns than kids
I can hear it now …
“don’t tread of me”
“it’s unconstitutional”
“guns don’t kill people”
blah blah fuckin blah.
You know what actually kills a 10 year old kid that is filled with bullet holes? Blood loss and organ damage. That’s what kills them. That’s how they die. Blood loss and organ damage. That’s what happens when bullets fly though people.
“Wait Tim … what caused the organ failure?” you may ask.
A bullet. Shot out of a gun. It’s not rocket science. It’s the most basic cause and effect example I can possibly imagine. How is this so hard to figure out?
Why can’t we compromise? Why can’t we find common ground? Why do we all posture around some ridiculous sense of patriotism or moral superiority about a topic that is clearly more predicated on emotion than on statistics and data?
I have a gun. My father has a license to carry. If you want to carry a gun, then you can do so. Guns are part of the American way and I think most of us understand that.
No one reasonable is suggesting that we pile up all the guns in our country and burn them. I think it would be great to start with honest dialog to present solutions to what is the weirdest and most self defeating epidemic in the world.
Yes I realize that most gun violence happens in cities and not in schools. It’s nuanced, just like everything else in this world.
But we take these stupid black and white positions and then call it “politicizing a tragedy” when people ask for tougher gun laws.
How absolutely fucking stupid of us. America is obsessed with eating itself and it will quite literally be the downfall of our leading position in the world stage.
China built 22,000 miles of high speed trains in 10 years and we’re still stuck on arguing about whether an 18 year old should be able to buy a warzone enabled assault rifle.
What the fuck are we even doing?
Hey Tim! I agree...we should be able to have an open and honest dialogue on guns. Here are some points first: according to the CDC fatal crashes cause approximately 3,700 deaths per day. Every day, more than 110 Americans are killed with guns. So we license drivers and still they get behind the wheel and do stupid shit and people die, including children. I'm not against back ground checks or restrictions on who can own a gun. The fact remains, a gun cannot kill anyone unless someone pulls the trigger. Our problem is not the guns. We have a mental health crisis in our country. People will find a way to do evil because there are evil people and mentally immoral people. Again, I'm not saying we cannot have some restrictions, but the root of the problem is people, evil people and people with serious mental issues. Bad people will find a way to get guns and to harm others. We have plenty of guns in our house and none of them have killed a single human. The National Rifle Association began to promote gun safety. Responsible gun owners learn about gun safety, teach their children gun safety and their guns are used properly. I know you're angry and sad about what happened - about any shooting - good people are. I would just like you to think on this a bit more. The media hypes it up. If bad people continue to find ways to get their hands on weapons (and they always will), I want to have a way to protect myself.