Steve Kamb and Nerd Fitness are Fucking Awesome

I love this guy…
On my morning drives to work I enjoy listening to podcasts. It puts me in a good mood because it gives me inspiration as I am going into the office. It’s still too early for me to blast Rage Against the Machine and there is something calming to me about listening to the conversations. Anyway…
This morning I was listening to Hack the Entrepreneur, which is one of my favorite podcasts. The episode I am referring to was an interview with Steven Kamb. Steve founded the website
For those who read my work regularly, you know what I am about. I am about enjoying your life and doing work that you love and not doing shit you hate. Steve Kamb is one of the best examples of this I have seen!
The Story of Steve Kamb and Nerd Fitness
Steve’s story is typical, yet extraordinary.
Steve has always considered himself a “nerd.” He loves video games and comic books and Harry Potter. He worked a regular sales job that he hated. He was miserable. He couldn’t bear the thought of doing this sales job for his entire life.
Eventually, Steve got another job in which he made less money, but he was much happier and enjoyed his life more. In his spare time, Steve started his Nerd Fitness project. He bought the domain and started creating content.
Steve’s mission was simple. He came across friends and acquaintances in his “nerd” circle who were out of shape, yet were too intimidated by the jock lifestyle to dive into getting in shape.
I never thought of it that way. For someone who isn’t a gym rat like others, walking into a gym must be very intimidating. Not knowing what to do, or how the machines work or how to do the exercises. It’s probably how I would feel walking into an acting class. I would walk in and walk right out.
Putting myself in that situation, if I hadn’t grown up playing sports and working out with my Dad I would feel weird walking into a gym as well.
Steve wanted to help these people. He saw people who were overweight or unhealthy and wanted to take their health more seriously, but were too intimidated by the task. Nerd Fitness was born.
Steve is Doing What He Loves and Making Bank
I have a small group of people who know me well. They all know I love comic books and graphic novels. Batman and Superman had such a huge influence on me growing up. I really love it. I would go to a comic book store called Legends every Saturday and play Magic the Gathering with 40-year-old men who wore socks with their sandals.
But I also loved (and still love) to workout. I loved running and pushing my body and hitting people. I was split into two separate worlds.
I could relate to Steve. I could put myself in his position. The difference is that Steve used his passion and created an opportunity to get paid to do what he loves to do.
He saw the need for someone like himself to jump in and help other people. Eventually, he took a risk and committed Nerd Fitness to full time and now he is absolutely crushing it.
He wrote a book called Level Up Your Life and he is doing a book tour. He created a membership site in which his following will pay a small monthly fee to get access to special offers and exercises.
This is a beautiful thing. Steve is helping people, he is living life on his terms and doing what he enjoys. Throughout the entire process, Steve is making money. If his web traffic is any indicator of his revenue then let me say Steve is making a shit ton of money.
That is so cool.
Did I Mention His Epic Quest Of Awesome?
I’m not kidding.
Through his entire process, Steve has been slowly “leveling up” and completing quests in his Epic Quest of Awesome.
Read it here ->
That is the most bad ass thing I have seen in a while. Here’s why.
These days there are tons of life coaches and self-help experts. They all tell you they have the “secret” to happiness, but they never tell you the risk involved. Being happy takes work. Being positive and working hard to achieve your goals leaves you very vulnerable. No one likes feeling vulnerable, so most of us play it safe.
How many times have you not gone on that trip or skipped that concert because you couldn't afford it or it was not the responsible decision? On the flip side, how many times have you regretted doing something that made you feel alive?
It takes balls to decide that you are going to actively live your life and get the most out of it. Steve is doing just that. Nice balls Steve…. I mean, wait. What?
I would be willing to bet that every single person reading this has sat in front of a piece of paper and wrote down things they want to do before they die. I have mine. I know exactly where it is. I have crossed a good chunk of them off and I will continue to do so.
If I wake up one day and I am 60 and my list is still left wanting, I would be really sad. Let’s not do that. Let’s go do shit! Let’s all be on an epic quest of awesome.
Start Now!
I feel like I say this at the end of every article. I will continue to do so. I will repeat it until I am blue in the face.
Stop waiting!
There is no right time to get started. There never will be. I am not here telling you that you can make 10 million dollars overnight or saying that you need to be a successful entrepreneur or business mogul. I am just saying that one day very soon you are going to die.
When that day comes, I hope that you can look back with a smile because you know you have nothing left to do. Everything on your bucket list is crossed off.
A big thanks to Steve for the daily inspiration. Keep killin’ it!
P.S. – I took the picture on this article from Steve’s website. I shouldn’t do that, so let’s all leave a comment and ask Steve not to make me take it down. K? Great. Thanks.