Getting My Son to Listen
Just a few minutes ago, I was in my office, caulking the windows.
My office has a huge set of windows in front of my desk and there crack at the bottom of the window that has been driving met nuts, especially when I can feel the slight breeze come through.
I went downstairs to grab the vacuum, saw the caulk tube on the table and thought “ahhh what the hell, I’ll get that done real quick.”
I laid out the line of caulk, and ran over it with my finger to smoothen out the line and really push the caulk into the crack. My son was standing right next to me, watching my every move.
I walked into the kitchen to rinse the bit of caulk from my finger and as I walked back into my office, I see my son running his finger right down the line of caulk I just finished.
He stood there looking at me, with his finger pointed in the air, a big wad a caulk hanging from his finger tip and a big smile on his face.
It was that exact moment that I remembered the only piece of true parenting advice I’ve heard thus far.
“Kids don’t listen, they imitate.”