Every Day For the Next Five Days ...
Jules and I are back home.
It’s great to be home, except for the fact that Jules got Covid. Her entire family got Covid in Cali. I’m fine, but she’s pretty sick. I tested 3 times and all negative.
Covid is weird, huh?
Even after getting home, it’s been hard to get back into the routine because of Jules being sick. Obviously, we can’t have the babysitter come over. It makes me appreciate and reminds me to be grateful to be in a position where if one of us gets sick, things don’t fall apart. Not everyone has that luxury.
We’re blessed.
Regardless, I really thrive when I have my routine. I imagine Jules will be stuck in the house until Tuesday, so I want to make sure I focus on staying discipline with what I need to get done.
Every day next week, I am committing to doing a few personal tasks each morning. This will force myself into the flow.
Here goes.
1. Wake up, get my coffee, and read - I’ve written about this many times. When I wake up, my brain instantly wants go get to work. But my life goes better when I pause in the mornings to visualize my day. So for the next five days, when I wake up (usually at 4:30 - 5 AM) and get my coffee, I will climb back into bed and read.
2. Stretch and breathe - Muay Thai is showing me how many hip problems I have. But it’s more than just my hips. All my running and lifting has negatively effected my ankle mobility, my knee mobility, and my hip mobility. My wrists have problems and my shoulders have problems as well. I’m getting better, but I need to keep working my mobility.
So each morning, I will do my stretching and breathing routine to loosen up my joints before I tackle the day.
3. Write a post on The Blank Page - It’s important to me that while I am in this time of reflection, I continue writing and searching for my next move. So expect an email from me each morning for the indefinite future.
That’s it.
Nothing too crazy. No super intense workout challenge. I will maintain doing all the things I already do, but this week I want to work to build stillness in my mind and body.