How to Create a Custom Geofilter for Snapchat

When Snapchat first came out, I resisted it. Even as a social media marketer, I get nervous around situations where people spend more time on their phones then they do speaking to one another.
The Snapchat generation intimidated me in this way. Just last week, I watched two young men at the gym sending each other snaps from across the room. Whatever happened to the days of Instagram and Facebook? You know, when life was simple and people respected their elders.
In the last few months, I decided to check my ego and dive in head first. I am glad I did. The engagement rate for Snapchat is unlike any other platform I have seen. It's only going to get crazier.
The Snapchat Geofilter
For those who are still unfamiliar, a geofilter is a photo filter that is used at a certain location. For example, let's say your friend is getting married and wants to design a custom geofilter. The couple can design a filter and set it to a location radius around the venue. So anyone sending snaps within the proximity of that venue will have access to that filter.
It's pretty fucking cool.
Over the next six months to a year I predict that custom geofilters are going to be a huge hit. I can see marketers and designers jumping onto this market and many businesses getting positive results from it.
Soon, I will go a little more in depth with some predictions and a more in depth analysis to Snapchat. But for now, let's just go step by step so you can learn how to get this done.
Step 1 - Design Your Filter
You will need Photoshop or some kind of high rez platform. Microsoft paint just wont cut it.
You first need to set your design to 1080 px wide and 1920 px wide. When designing your filter make sure you that don't bulk it up. Leave room for the actual picture.
Your filter must be under 300 MB in size.
Step 2 - Choose Your Dates
Snapchat charges your geofilter per hour. If you plan to have a custom geofilter ready for an event, obviously you want to know the date and time of the event.
Once you have completed the design make sure you give yourself a few days for Snapchat to either approve or reject it. If Snapchat rejects the filter, they will give you a reason for it. If that is the case you want to make sure you give yourself enough time to change the design so it is ready for your event.
Step 3 - Outline Your Area
Snapchat will charge you $5 per hour per 20 square feet. That means that the bigger of an area you choose, the higher your bill will be.
Snapchat will lay a map out for you and you simply draw the radius of the area you want to register for.
Pro tip: Make sure you leave a flexible budget so you can leave yourself some space with your area. Map api's are notoriously buggy and the last thing you would want to do is sell yourself short. Make your area bigger then it needs to be.
Step 4 - Checkout and Start Snapping
Pay with a credit card, set your time and date and submit your filter. Again, be sure to leave yourself enough time.
Geofilters are perfect for weddings, company events, mastermind classes, book launches or any public event in which people will be sending snaps. The CPM on branded snaps are great. Let's get this done!