3 Reasons Why Email is Still the Best Form of Marketing

Do you want to make money?
If you have a product or service to sell, then building an email list should be at the top of your priorities. Your email list is the most valuable set of data you own. KEYWORD BEING OWN!
I will touch on that point in just a minute, but first let’s dive into exactly what is going on.
In this new world of social media, SEO and mobile devices, lots of very smart people are coming up with innovative ways to market products or services. All of this has value. I will always be an advocate for sharing quality content on social media, building good back link profiles for Google rankings, and for great web design that will increase conversion.
However, regardless of what people tell you, nothing will convert into sales like email. Here’s why…
If They Let You Email Them, It Means They Trust You
People are very protective of their email accounts. Over the last ten years, we all have seen our inboxes flooded with unauthorized spam and emails from companies that we never signed up for.
With that being said, we all have a select few companies that we allow to email us. In fact, we often enjoy their emails.
For instance, I love getting emails from Zappos to find great deals on Chuck Taylors. I love getting emails from the UFC so I can keep track of upcoming fights, and I always look forward to emails from 8and9 Clothing Co because they almost always are announcing big sales for new t-shirt designs.
These few companies have earned my trust.
You too can slowly gain the trust of people who will willingly let you market to them directly. Since they are permitting you to send them emails they will take what you have to say seriously.
You don’t have to believe me, just pay attention to your own behavior. Next time you get a spam email, watch how fast you dig for that unsubscribe button. On the other hand, pay attention to the emails that you open and willingly look through. What’s the difference between the two?
Trust counts for everything.
Email Is A Direct Line Of Communication To Your Customers
All other digital marketing platforms require a third party who essentially controls what happens.
Here is an example…
About a year and a half ago Facebook changed their display algorithm. All hell broke lose. The change they made was in regards to the lack of “real estate” on each person’s news feed. So overnight, Facebook business pages went from having a huge engagement to very little. Currently, only about 2% of followers actually see the content that is posted.
So if you have a Facebook business page with 100 followers, only 2 of them (if you are lucky) will see what you posted in their news feed. The percentage used to be much much higher.
Another example is Google. Google has the highest amount of referral traffic in the world. Ranking on Google is extremely important to many businesses. You must keep in mind, that Google makes the rules.
A few years ago Google made an algorithm change that completely changed the way ranking factors are looked at. Hundreds of thousands of websites lost millions of hits overnight because of this change. There was nothing these companies could do. They lost nearly all their Google traffic. It was debilitating, and most never recovered.
If you are marketing through a third party, you have to play by their rules.
There is no third party. There is no middle man. It’s just you and your following. With a strong email list, you are no longer at the mercy of the giant companies who essentially run the internet.
That’s what you want. You want a direct line of communication with potential buyers.
Don’t be a sucker. Don’t let Facebook and Google and LinkedIn dictate what happens between you and your revenue streams. Build an email list, own your data and make your own rules!
Email Has The Highest ROI – Doller. Doller. Bills Ya’ll.
Making money.
That’s the point, isn’t it? The point of running a business is to earn a profit.
I have read hundreds of studies and listened to hours of podcasts analyzing email tactics and the word is out. Email continues to be the best digital marketing channel for Return on Investment.
Now, understand (and this can not be overstated) that a high ROI is contingent upon trust.
Buying data and blasting out emails to complete strangers will not lead to a high return. You have to slowly and properly build a list, through ethical tactics to ensure that your people trust you. Without trust, I guarantee that most people will unsubscribe and a high percentage of people will report your emails as spam. This is a great way to get booted from whatever platform you are using.
After you have put in the work to properly collect emails, you can rest assured that the time spent putting email templates together will yield a higher return investment that your other marketing verticals.
Get Started Now
It is a bit intimidating to build anything from scratch. Nothing happens over night. If you have been trying to build an email list and seem to be stuck at 30 something emails, you may be thinking that email is not worth your time.
I PROMISE YOU IT IS! I can help you. If you need advice or are looking to invest in marketing, then contact me.
There is a plethora of techniques and tools that will help you with an email list. Also, don’t hesitate to build emails through face to face networking. Don’t get too caught up in this new world of gizmos and gadgets. Handshakes and hellos work just fine. That guy with a clipboard outside of concerts and events is there to earn emails. He wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t worth his time.
The point is that it is entirely possible for you to do this. You may need some expert advice, and you most definitely will need to invest your time. Everyone has to start somewhere. So start now!
Before you can walk, you must learn to crawl. Every email counts.